Every left-wing strategy needs three elements: a critique of the present, a vision of a better future and concrete offers to get from one to the other.
The concept of “caring cities” does just that and offers a way out of the everyday care crisis: the (care) needs of all are democratically negotiated and covered by public or common good-oriented services.
A feminist-socialist policy develops concrete projects that make it possible to start the transformation. It is about feminist socialization as “revolutionary realpolitik”.

Feminist socialization is about a double de-privatization: care work must be taken out of private sector structures and out of social isolation in private households. How are patriarchal division of labor and the care crisis connected? A look at the structural conditions gives us indications of possible interventions.
To move from the current crisis to a good life, we need innovative approaches that bring improvements today and at the same time are part of a fundamental transformation. This can be achieved by changing structures and improving the conditions for political organizing.
Here are some concrete examples: under construction!
Why in the city? The concept was developed in the context of Spanish municipalism. It is no coincidence that the idea comes from movements that take the neighborhoods as their first field of political action, because care also takes place in the local area. Of course, similar approaches can also be developed for rural areas. At the same time, there is an international network of municipalist movements. Because one thing is clear: what manifests itself locally as a crisis in everyday life often has transnational dimensions.